Fike MRK reverse-acting rupture disk with knifeblades

Replacement options with newer available rupture discs

MRK is a now-discontinued reverse-acting disc that opens upon contact with a knifeblade assembly.

Fike MRK bursting disc

The holder holddown flange or outlet contains a knifeblade assembly which faces the concave side of the bursting disc. Once reversal pressure is reached, the crown of the disc is reversed and the disc comes in contact with the knifeblade assembly and is cut open, providing instant pressure relief.

The specific technology of manufacturing and activation of rupture discs with knifeblades has been serving pressure protection applications worldwide since the 1960s. However, the condition of the knives (e.g., due to corrosion) affects the pressure at which the disc will be reliably breached, and the security of the equipment protected. For this reason this technology was gradually and significantly surpassed in performance and reliability specifications by "reverse-acting buckling" technology, i.e. by bursting discs without the need for a knifeblade arrangement to open the disc under activation conditions.

Alternatives, replacements, and successor models


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