TOREX KCS Silo Safety System

Safe and problem-free plant operation during silo-filling by tanker

The KCS system prevents both overfilling and excess pressurisation avoiding damage to silo, venting filter and other accessories.


Damage to a silo or its accessories is most likely during filling operation from the tanker due to the risk of overfilling or excess pressurisation.

The KCS system prevents both overfilling and excess pressurisation avoiding damage to silo, venting filter and other accessories. It also reduces the risk of dust emission into the atmosphere.

The KCS Silo Safety System for the safeguarding of silos consists of a central electronic monitoring and control panel which manages a series of silos and a component kit including, in the basic version, one power panel for each silo, a silo pipe connection, a pinch valve, a tanker coupling to the filling pipe, a maximum level indicator, a differential pressure switch or electronic pressure meter, a pressure gauge for the venting filter, a pressure relief valve, and an audible alarm.

The KCS Silo Safety System can be used for silos which are filled with powders or granular materials by tanker. Damage to the silo or its accessories is most likely during filling operation from the tanker. This is due to the risk of overfilling or excess pressurisation.

The KCS system, supplied in component form, prevents both overfilling and excess pressurisation, thus avoiding damage to the silo, to the venting filter or other accessories, and reducing the risk of dust emission into the atmosphere.

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